Full Statement on Transition Funding

Full Statement on Transition Funding
Chris McCartney
11 September 2024
6 minute read

We have been preparing, in dialogue with Transition groups, a major funding bid to support community-led change across the UK and build on foundations laid by the Transition Together project since 2021. With the urgency and severity of challenges facing local communities, and the need to scale up and open up more routes for grassroots, people-led responses, we developed an ambitious plan. 

This is not the news we wanted to share – our application has not been successful. We are sorely disappointed to be turned down at the initial Expression of Interest stage, and not able to further explore or adjust the proposals. We have sought and received feedback on our application, and are studying that carefully to learn. 

We are sharing the news to be transparent with Transition groups and supporters, and to let you know how we are creating space to respond and find the right way ahead. Our team met last week and we are determined to do two things with the time and funding that remain in this phase of our project. Firstly to explore alternative funding options that would allow parts of the project to continue. Secondly, to adapt plans for the remaining seven months, to secure the strongest legacy for the Movement and a solid bridge to whatever comes next. 

Two things are clear. Firstly, infrastructure support will not continue at the same level, even if we are able to secure some ongoing funding. Transition Network International is backed by other funders and is not affected by this decision. It will continue to be available to support the UK movement, though without the same level of resource that Transition Together received.

Secondly, this new phase can’t and shouldn’t be driven by a small staff team alone. Instead it is an invitation for the Transition Movement to explore what it wants to learn and keep from the Transition Together project and what should be composted, or planted on and grown in a different way. The process of dialogue begun by our Network Weavers, which will culminate in the Transition Assembly in February 2025, is key as we explore the way ahead together. 

Time is short. To hold the exploration of the way forward, we have set up two circles to focus on income generation and finishing the current grant well. These are made up of Transition Together and Transition Network International staff, and will include others. We have set up a Future Paths for Transition space on Vive, where you can get involved, respond, share ideas and feedback and keep closer to news about what’s being developed.

This news has led to deep reflection, on our own work and how we articulate its impact and the reasons for it, and on the wider context within which the Transition movement exists.

We are under no illusions that our team nor the wider Movement are perfect. We don’t believe we are entitled above other projects to get funding. But we see immense value and potential in the task of supporting communities to lead change; in offering the Transition approach, tools, training, connection and peer support to allow ordinary people in local communities to become involved in addressing the biggest challenges of our time. 

We are disappointed that what was originally envisaged by both ourselves and The National Lottery Community Fund’s Growing Great Ideas programme as a 10-year project has been cut short by a decision to close the fund. This has impacted a number of innovative projects and organisations, who’s funding was not renewed following this move.

In a statement, The National Lottery Community Fund said: “The National Lottery Community Fund is committed to sharing learnings from GGI grant holders and ensuring the programme has a lasting impact. It was established to support transformational and long-term change by investing in different combinations of people, communities, networks and organisations that demonstrate an ability to seed and grow alternative systems.

“Our grant had a three-year break point at which the funding would be reviewed. The GGI programme was closed in November 2021 and so The National Lottery Community Fund is supporting us as our current grant ends to work out future plans and funding needs, and explore other options.” 

In the three years since we were awarded funding, as we slowly emerged from the shock of a global pandemic, we have made progress together in many ways, though the work is far from complete. The progress we have made is at risk if a solid way ahead cannot be found. 

We are disappointed too by a funding landscape that struggles to support long-term, grassroots, transformative change needed in response to the huge challenges our world is facing. 

At a time when the fractures and disconnections in our communities are all too obvious, work to bring people together across difference and to help us find our power and create change together is under-valued and under-resourced. 

While the public sector slashes budgets and retreats from valuable work on the ground, we need fresh thinking, innovation and new ways to meet needs in our communities and bring about systemic change. 

As the impacts of climate change accelerate and are being felt daily in our communities, the need to respond becomes existential. It is vital that all people have ways to actively engage in discovering and building new ways to live together that are regenerative, thriving and resilient. A better future must be shaped by everyone and meet the different needs in our communities – a Just Transition is needed on our streets, in our local economy, amongst our people, as well as in industry and international agreements. The challenges and changes we face need all of us to be heard and to be involved. 

Transition at its best offers a response to all of this. We bring vision and imagination to unlock new solutions to thorny issues. We hold space for people to gather, to build and to take practical action to make tangible changes and forge new social fabric. We are looking holistically at our places and engaging in the complex work of change. We are revealing what a more resilient, fairer, thriving future could be like by bringing it into reality in pockets of transformation.

We believe the full potential of communities to reimagine and rebuild their places together is badly needed. Whatever happens to Transition Together, this work goes on. We are committed to working together with Transitioners in the months ahead to unlock the most impactful way to do that.

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