We know the power of bringing people together to share and learn from each other. We host regular online and in person events to create moments of connection, inspiration and exploration.
These include training workshops, peer-to-peer learning, space to delve into the tricky challenges of our time and inspiration from stories of community-led change happening now around the UK and beyond.
Watch back previous online events on our Transition Together playlist here. More detail about our training and workshops can be found here.
January 2025
Transition Skillshare – Creating welcoming spaces for all
Join us for a skillshare exploring how our groups, projects and events can be safe and welcoming spaces for people from all backgrounds and life experiences. Details of speakers coming soon!
February 2025
Launch Training
This short, free course is delivered online for anyone considering, or in the process of starting a new Transition group. It’s the perfect way to find out more about the Transition movement, what makes our groups unique and will give you lots of practical tools and techniques to get started on a firm footing. Running over three Monday evenings: 3, 10 and 17 February. Find out more and sign up at the button below.
Scale Up Programme closes
Transition Together is offering up to approximately 10 Transition Groups the opportunity to participate in our Scale Up 2025 Programme, a flexible course supporting them to scale up a particular activity or project, start something new or focus on an issue. Opt in to funded mentoring, a residential and sessions with peers also scaling up. Applications will close on 3 February or sooner if the course is full, so please apply as soon as possible.
Transition Assembly
We warm invite you to help us build the first ever Transition Assembly for Wales and England. People and Citizens’ Assemblies have been used by Transitioners and others to explore local priorities and air different voices. Our Transition Assembly will build on this experience to create a space for everyone to have a say in the future of our wider movement. Read more about this special event and how to participate here.
7th February 2025
Thrive Training
This six week online course is for existing Transition groups and will support you to develop, grow and increase your impact. Perhaps you are facing challenges as a group, are struggling to attract new people, or would like to explore a new direction and focus? If so this is the perfect course for you. To participate we ask that 2 or more members of your group sign up together, to ensure that learning can be embedded and shared within your group....
Past Events
Transition Assembly Pre-Meeting
In the run up to the first Transition Assembly, join us to meet fellow participants, hear more about what will happen, ask any questions you have and help us put the very final touches to plans for our days together.
Train the Trainers info session
Train The Trainers is an online experiential training programme designed to train participants to devise and deliver training that will support Transition Groups, the Transition Movement more broadly, and other Transition-adjacent projects. Come and hear more and find out if it's the right course for you.
How Rob Hopkins fell in love with the future
As we approach the first Transition Assembly, join Transition co-founder Rob Hopkins for a sneak peek at his forthcoming book (June 2025) “How To fall in love with the future: A Time Traveller’s Guide to Changing the World”. He'll also share a glimpse of his 'Field Recordings from the Future' music project scheduled for release at the same time and discuss how he imagines what's next for our communities, the Transition Movement and our world.
Transition Skillshare – Harnessing Creativity for Change
Has your group lost its pizazz? Looking for a creative boost? In this skillshare we'll explore how art, creativity and the imagination is open to everybody, and can help us inspire action, communicate our messages and nurture collaborations. With Lindy Roy from Transition Town Wellington, Doug Francisco, founder of Red Rebel Brigade & Invisible Circus, Bryonie Reid of quarto Collective, which helps communities creatively reflect on place, identity and time.
The Future’s Already Here – Communities Stepping into their Power
This one-day, in-person event aimed to make visible the practical, community-led solutions already emerging across Northern Ireland - to address the climate and ecological crisis, community fracture and the dysfunction in our economy. It brought together those involved in some of these innovative approaches with those ready to explore the potential of new, local ways to change our broken systems. View the event programme here. Watch back highlights at the button below.
Transition at Wales Climate Week
Join Transition Together at Wales Climate Week and hear four stories of Transition groups playing a critical role in engaging communities to adapt to the climate crisis. . With Rob Owen, Holywell and District Transition group, Susan Holmes, Carmarthen Together, Joanna Poulton, Transition Together Network Weaver for Wales, Anne Draper, Tenby Connects and Penny Nicholson, Transnewid Llandrindod Transition. Watch back the short session at the button below.
Transition Alive Series
A series of online events to explore the challenge of our time, the potential of our Movement and a renewed, shared vision for our future. Each session offers space to reflect, challenge and celebrate. Together we’ll explore the opportunities opened up when we put justice at the heart of our work, the power of building alternative ways of doing things and the Transition - and the Movement - we want as we look to the future. Watch back at the...
Transition Skillshares
Watch back our Skillshare sessions, 15 different sessions where Transition groups share their experience and learning on a specific topic, with lots of advice, tips and inspiration for others working for community-led change. From addressing the cost of living crisis to fundraising, recruiting more members to community mapping, there are loads of hot topics to explore. Click the button below to view recordings on Youtube.
Seed Funding Stories 2023
As our 2023 seed funding round opens, join us for inspiring stories of change and impact sparked by recipients of last year grants. With Carmarthen Together, Bolton Diggers, Friends of the River Exe, Transition Town Wellington, Transition Network co-founder Rob Hopkins and more. Watch back at the button below.
North West Regional Gathering
An in-person programme of workshops, events and visits at Greenslate Community Farm, set up 11 years ago by Transition Billinge and Orrell. We're holding two regional gatherings to build connection, share practical support and inspiration, and to explore how we can feel part of a bigger, joined-up movement.
London Regional Gathering
Transition groups across London are working on a series of events to share projects, ideas, support, tasty food and music. 11-13 May are given over to tours of exciting Transition projects around the city. On 14 May, we'll join together to reimagine our city and our neighbourhoods and explore how we can help each other build it. We're holding two regional gatherings to build connection, share practical support and inspiration.
Together We Can
Our 10-day Summit, to unleash the power of what we can do and be together, took place in May 2022. ‘Together We Can’ was a ten-day, online Summit packed with insightful talks, interactive workshops and captivating speakers. Many of the 30+ sessions to nurture, build and inspire you and your work for community change were recorded and can be played back via the summit webpage at the button below.
COP26 – What Next for Community Activism?
A moment to come together and land collectively after COP26. During this event we will share how we are feeling post COP, demystify what happened in Glasgow and explore what it means for community action moving forwards. Watch the event back at the button below.