
Taking care of a vital conversation
In July 2022, a group of five 'Caretakers' came together to explore a framework for the future of the Transition movement in the UK. In this blog, Amy Scaife shares their journey so far as they unearth big questions for all of us, and start to map a path through.
Chris McCartney
12 December 2022
7 minute read
12 December 2022
7 minute read

Eat, grow, share: Communities building food resilience
In the second of our series on how communities are rising to face the cost of living crisis together, we explore the theme of food.
Chris McCartney
1 December 2022
12 minute read
1 December 2022
12 minute read

Set up a power station; retrofit a neighbourhood – Communities tackling the energy crisis
What if we pulled together to confront the ‘cost of living’ crisis, rather than leaving people to face it alone? In the first of three articles, Chris McCartney looks at how communities are working together to resist rising energy costs, tackling not only the symptoms but the root causes of the current challenges we face and pave the way for a transition to a sustainable and just future.
Chris McCartney
25 October 2022
10 minute read
25 October 2022
10 minute read

Seed Funding stories: Vertical Farming in Guildford
Zero Guildford set up its climate hub a year ago - and their eye-catching vertical farming towards produce salad and veg indoors to supply its community fridge. Funded by a Transition seed funding grant, watch the video to find out how the towers are sparking conversations about local food production.
Chris McCartney
17 October 2022
1 minute read
17 October 2022
1 minute read

How to re-imagine a city
Transition Southampton used seed funding to work in three very different parts of the city. Rob Hopkins spoke to the group to find out how they used enticing ‘What If?’ questions and built on existing connections to grow the capacity of local people to imagine a different future of their own neighbourhoods and what emerged from the project.
Rob Hopkins
3 October 2022
9 minute read
3 October 2022
9 minute read

Seed Funding stories: Solar Gennie
No more polluting generators for outdoor festivals and community events in Belper, thanks to the local Transition group's mobile solar powered generator. Find out how they did it.
Chris McCartney
29 September 2022
1 minute read
29 September 2022
1 minute read

Seed Funding stories: Hubren
Amy Sciafe introduces her seed funded project, the Hubren community resilience space, in this short video.
Chris McCartney
20 September 2022
1 minute read
20 September 2022
1 minute read

Portland 4 the Planet sow seeds of local change
As Transition Together’s seed funding goes live, Rob Hopkins caught up with Portland 4 the Planet about the fabulous shoots which emerged from their grant last time round. They told him: “There are so many people out there just searching for something to do that’s positive, that’s going to make a difference. It has been a very positive experience here. It has been amazing to see how it is helping people”.
Rob Hopkins
6 September 2022
7 minute read
6 September 2022
7 minute read

From waterworks to wild water park in community hands
What if local people could take over unused public land and turn it into parks, nature reserves, even wild swimming pools to benefit nature and the community? A group in East London wants to do that with a concrete former water depot.
Chris McCartney
11 August 2022
5 minute read
11 August 2022
5 minute read

Seed Funding goes live: From tiny seeds, Transition groups grow bountiful harvests
We always knew it. Small seeds can lead to many, varied and bountiful crops in the hands of the Transition community! Now, thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, we are launching a new round of funding available to groups, and we're bursting with excitement to see what you are going to do.
Chris McCartney
28 July 2022
8 minute read
28 July 2022
8 minute read

The next step for Transition in England and Wales
You’re invited on a journey of discovery, to help us explore what a representative structure to support Transition groups in England and Wales could do for our movement. Read on to find out why this process is important to building a resilient movement for the future, and meet the team who will guide us on the journey.
Chris McCartney
27 July 2022
7 minute read
27 July 2022
7 minute read

“Hope with its sleeves rolled up” blooms in Wellington
A disused but valued patch land is being transformed into a forest garden providing food, herbs and building materials for the local community. Rob Hopkins chatted to Anita, Helen and Steve from Transition Town Wellington who are behind the project, to hear how a £3,500 seed funding from Transition Bounce Forward helped them craft a new vision with local people for the neglected but historic site.
We hear a lot in climate science about ‘positive feedbacks’, how one [...]
Rob Hopkins
12 April 2022
8 minute read
12 April 2022
8 minute read

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