From waterworks to wild water park in community hands
What if local people could take over unused public land and turn it into parks, nature reserves, even wild swimming pools to benefit nature and the community? A group in East London wants to do that with a concrete former water depot.
Chris McCartney
11 August 2022
5 minute read
11 August 2022
5 minute read
Seed Funding goes live: From tiny seeds, Transition groups grow bountiful harvests
We always knew it. Small seeds can lead to many, varied and bountiful crops in the hands of the Transition community! Now, thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, we are launching a new round of funding available to groups, and we're bursting with excitement to see what you are going to do.
Chris McCartney
28 July 2022
8 minute read
28 July 2022
8 minute read
The next step for Transition in England and Wales
You’re invited on a journey of discovery, to help us explore what a representative structure to support Transition groups in England and Wales could do for our movement. Read on to find out why this process is important to building a resilient movement for the future, and meet the team who will guide us on the journey.
Chris McCartney
27 July 2022
7 minute read
27 July 2022
7 minute read
“Hope with its sleeves rolled up” blooms in Wellington
A disused but valued patch land is being transformed into a forest garden providing food, herbs and building materials for the local community. Rob Hopkins chatted to Anita, Helen and Steve from Transition Town Wellington who are behind the project, to hear how a £3,500 seed funding from Transition Bounce Forward helped them craft a new vision with local people for the neglected but historic site.
We hear a lot in climate science about ‘positive feedbacks’, how one [...]
Rob Hopkins
12 April 2022
8 minute read
12 April 2022
8 minute read
Building Community Action Through Climate Hubs
It took Transition group Zero Carbon Guildford 18 months from idea to grand opening of their community-led climate hub in a former high street store. The ZERO team has written a helpful guide for other groups exploring something similar for their place - thanks for letting us share it here!
Chris McCartney
27 February 2022
27 minute read
27 February 2022
27 minute read
Transition Wilmslow’s gardens grow and grow
Transition Wilmslow in Cheshire was one of 87 Transition groups to receive a seed funding grant from the Transition Bounce Forward project in 2020. Rob Hopkins caught up with Althea, Garry, Andrew and Pippa from the group to find out how their new community garden - and their dream for a network of market gardens - was growing…
Rob Hopkins
16 February 2022
7 minute read
16 February 2022
7 minute read
Meet the new Transition groups
What’s it really like to start a Transition group? To stick your head above the parapet and see who in your community would like to engage in community action to build a better future? And how do you get something off the ground with all the constraints of a global pandemic?Despite the Covid crisis, or perhaps in some ways spurred on by different rhythms and priorities, new Transition groups have been forming across the country, and others reforming after years [...]
Chris McCartney
26 January 2022
8 minute read
26 January 2022
8 minute read
Why community power is key to building a better future
Today we are excited to launch Transition Together, a new project to help build more resilient, empowered and sustainable communities across Britain from the ground up.
As the dust settles after COP26, never has change been so urgent and necessary. We are inspired by activists across the climate movement who took a stand for a just and inclusive transition. From the young people who took to the streets and social media, to the COP26 Coalition who drew people together across the [...]
16 November 2021
5 minute read
16 November 2021
5 minute read
Glasgow communities showing COP leaders the way
With so much happening around COP26, we wanted to ground ourselves in what communities are doing, day in, day out, to build a better future. There is so much creativity, energy and impact in these local initiatives, decision-makers could learn a thing or two, not least about what is possible when we come together with the starting point that things can and need to be done differently.
And when we’re feeling despondent about a lack of political action, it does us [...]
Chris McCartney
14 November 2021
10 minute read
14 November 2021
10 minute read
Growing Great Ideas – New Funding Announcement!
Thanks to National Lottery players, Transition Network has been awarded £5,977,444 from The National Lottery Community Fund’s Growing Great Ideas programme for work in Great Britain over the next 10 years.
Growing Great Ideas exists to support transformational change across the UK, change that matches the scale of the challenges and complexities we face. By providing long-term investment in groups and networks that are pioneering new ways of doing things, that go well beyond fixing or adapting the [...]
28 October 2021
4 minute read
28 October 2021
4 minute read
The What Next Summit – Call To Action
In March 2021 Transition Bounce Forward (now Transition Together), CTRLShift and Losing Control held the What Next Summit to explore how we could build community power to bounce forward from COVID19 towards a more sustainable, equal and democratic future.
Over 3 weeks, 2,000 people attended 50 different workshops. Inspiring speakers, movements and community organisers came together and asked What Is? What If? What Next?
We listened carefully during the summit teasing out common themes, insights, perspectives and feedback. We’ve used [...]
17 September 2021
1 minute read
17 September 2021
1 minute read
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