Meet your Network Weavers

Meet your Network Weavers
Chris McCartney
4 July 2024
4 minute read

We’re on a journey. A journey to become a more representative Movement, forging stronger connections between people and communities working for local change, to support all our work. 

This spring, we recruited three Network Weavers to build on the exploration and reflection so far – and start the practical work of weaving these stronger connections and shaping, with you, a first Transition Movement Assembly early next year. 

Jess, Jo and Phil began their work just a few weeks ago, and will soon start reaching out to Transition groups across the country to listen and share. We wanted to introduce them now – and soon they’ll be back to tell us more about their work and approach, and how you can get more involved. 

Phil, a man wearing classes and a cap, is looking thoughtfully into the distance, with clear blue water and blue sky behind him.

Phil Frodsham

“I’ve been a member of Transition New Mills in Derbyshire for over a decade and my passion is for creating and facilitating spaces that help nurture imagination in our communities and building climate infrastructure to support that – from People’s Assemblies to Regional Hubs to National Networks. In terms of this role,  my questions are – how do we start really scaling up our work whilst maintaining human connections? How do we ensure that all voices are heard? This feels like an exciting period for the movement because I feel we have got something important to say  – so much potential and possibility!  In my spare time, I’m a mountain biker, a musician and a gardener.”

Phil is leading on governance, building other networks beyond the place-based, as well as working with groups and networks in the North. 

Jo, a woman with dark wavy hair, stands in front of a pale sunset over the sea.

Jo Poulton

“I have spent my life advocating for equity and inclusion, from petitioning as a teenager for more subtitled films at the local cinema for my Deaf mother to creating working groups with Extinction Rebellion to support Deaf activists, where my passion for radically inclusive assemblies began. I have worked as a researcher, coordinator, and production manager in TV, and as a grassroots campaign coordinator for Waste Not Bristol and Basic Income for Farmers. Currently, I focus on a Just Transition in food and farming and work part-time as a vegetable grower at an organic market garden in Hereford, alongside my role at Transition Together. I recently returned from a year of volunteering abroad, cross-pollinating ideas between regenerative farms in Europe and Australia. I love building connections, growing organic food, sharing it widely, and envisioning a world where we are all valued.”

Jo will be leading on the Transition Assembly and will be working with groups and networks across Wales and the Welsh Border Counties.

Jess, a woman with red hair, stands in front of a wild hedge holding a pair of binoculars in her hands.

Jess Farr

“I work regionally as a Coordinator for Transition Stroud in glorious Gloucestershire as well as nationally for Transition Together as a Network Weaver. I have a background in delivering projects for the charity sector, and am particularly interested in empowering communities to find their own voices and ways of being. I am an Associate with Climate Museum UK and enjoy finding creative ways to unlock new perspectives, tell stories, and grow ideas at both the individual and community level. Before settling in the Stroud area I lived off-grid on my boat for 7 years, and still love living in nature, battling the elements, and meeting new folk to share the journey with.”

Jess is looking after overall communications and network development for the team, and will be working with groups and networks right across the Midlands.

Laura Tyley

The Network Weaving team is being joined by Laura to reach out to and connect with groups in the south west.

“Deeply committed to a socially just and ecologically rich world, I’ve spent the last six years immersed in the international environmental and alternative economy sector – learning from and supporting thousands of grassroots activists and community-led initiatives. At the heart of my work lies a dedication to storytelling and relationship building, weaving together diverse voices to empower collective grassroots action. 

“I am excited to be the network connector for the southwest region, listening to and weaving together the different Transition groups in the area I call home. In south Somerset and north Dorset, I run a non-profit called This Living Place which builds the relationships, networks and systems that ensure communities can come together and care for their places in resilient and thriving ways.

They will be working closely with and supported by Richard Couldrey from the Transition Together team, who will also link with groups in London. Watch out for an email from the team as they start to weave these connections to help strengthen our Movement and the people in it. 

Connect with Jess, Jo, Phil, Laura and Rich on our Vive platform. Find out more about their role and how it emerged here

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